Stop by our New Huntington Spa Showroom and our Marion Store Showroom to see our Royal Spas and our New Line of Nordic Spas.Sirona Simpy and Sirona is our new line of spa chemicals to keep your spas nice and clear and balanced. Don't forget our Marion Store is open all winter for all your spa needs.
Contact Us
Water World in Huntington
1763 Old US 24
Huntington , In 46750
Water World in Marion
213 S Baldwin Ave
Marion , In 46952
Visit Our Stores
- Baquacil
- BaquaSpa
- Sirona Simply
- Poolife
- Natural Chemistry
- Hayward Products and Parts
- Life
- Leisure Time
- Sirona
- Auto Covers
- Heaters
- Cleaners
- Cartridge Filters
- Intex Pool Supplies
- Inground and Above Ground Liner Replacements
Click here to find our store.